Raffi Asdourian

Raffi Asdourian

Raffi Asdourian

An all around neo-digital internet filmmaker.

In the words of the artist himself Raffi talks about his first experience with Spaulding Universe::

“I was asked to do a lecture about my work and process to an undergraduate film class at “North Atlantis University” 3 years ago. During the lecture, I had noticed a strange man seated in the audience. He was not the usual looking adult student, so I figured otherwise. Turns out, it was Professor Universe. He sat there calmly, with a slight smile on his face. The lecture went really well, and at the end of the talk, I asked my audience if they had any questions, there were a few random technical questions and some ego based questions. Suddenly I felt a strange presence, It’s really difficult to explain, but it was occurring. Professor Universe stands up and asks : “How does it feel to be someone who teaches, inspires, and activates the creative human potential in others?” I was floored. I had never thought of my work like this before, let alone actually answering the question. The room was dead silent, a collective epiphany had taken place. As film makers, we are sequential image makers and story tellers, the sequences become visual formulas for the collective consciousness and unconsciousness of mankind….hell, thats a lot of power. From that moment on, my approach changed. Professor Universe is by all means a human light switch … “


short-link to this page :: http://wp.me/PLk90-3s
